back when we started giving back.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People launches national campaigns to advocate for anti-racism. Our donors have raised over $200 for NAACP!
Communities United Against Police Brutality directly tackles police brutality and personally assists its victims. We have raised nearly $150 for CUAPB.
The American Civil Liberties Union focuses on public education about civil liberties and fighting legal battles for cases of racial injustice. We’ve raised $250 for ACLU!
innocence project
The Innocence Project helps exonerate the wrongfully convicted, and advocate for criminal justice reform. Our donors have raised over $125 for this project.
color of change
Color of Change is an organization that tackles racial issues of all types on a national scale. We’ve raised nearly $150 for Color of Change.
ppccff (la)
During the first few weeks of ABLE, the People’s Protection City Council Freedom Fund was in our charity lenup. However, they have achieved their goal of $2.5 million in donations and have closed their GoFundMe. We are incredibly grateful to our donors for contributing to this milestone, and look forward expanding our impact with the current lineup.
Image Source: Genevive Chang, Director of Communications

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tABLE records
We’ve raised over eighty dollars for Asian Americans For Equality in fighting for their small business support!
islamic relief usa
Thirty dollars have gone to Islamic Relief USA in campaigning against global imprisonment of Muslim communities.
unicef yemen
Over twenty dollars have gone to the UNICEF chapter in Yemen, in aiding the stopping of mass hunger in the nation!
lebanon red cross
We’ve raised over ten dollars for the Lebanon Red Cross, to aid its citizens in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion.
We’ve raised thirty dollars for CORA, aiding the Philippines in COVID-19 and environmental crisis support.
city harvest
We’ve raised a total of $250 dollars for City Harvest’s admirable local mission to help end hunger in New York City!
unicef southasian flood relief
From Vietnam to the Philippines, this chapter of UNICEF does crucial work in South Asia, and we’ve donated $125 to this cause!
marsha p. johnson institute
During our pride launch, we raised over $350 dollars for the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, which helps protect Black trans women!
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